Surgical Oncology

Cancer is a growing global problem affecting the rich and poor, the literate and illiterate, educated and uneducated, males and females, the young and old cutting across the society at large. The name Cancer is a common vocabulary in many families. The death from cancer and its incidence even may take over heart attacks and deaths from cardiac factors in the near future unless preventive measures are undertaken. There are several causative factors for the common cancers. But truth is cancer can never strike overnight. The initiation and manifestation even in early stage requires several years of waiting. The developing nations and developed nations are fathoms apart with regard to the incidence of common cancers and the availability of financial resources and national health policy plans. Developing nations are reeling under economic crisis which may not permit to get free treatment for all. Hence, the only possibilities open for these nations are prevention and early detection. Claremount Care oncology division has been set up addressing these global issues of economic recession and crunch of resources and giving great importance to life style changes and early detection. We are focused and committed to spread the message that ‘cancer is curable if detected early’. Our preventive oncology and early detection centre will be a role model for other institutions in its uniqueness.


In this country and several developing nations, Head and Neck Cancers forms the major issue among males. There are several factors which contribute for the same however tobacco usage is the primary cause. In the Oral cavity, oropharynx and hypopharynx, pan chewing or smokeless tobacco is the major culprit where as for cancers of nasopharynx and Larynx, tobacco smoking is the major cause. Cancer detection in the early stage is possible in head and neck. Even the person who is at risk could identify the colour changes occurring in the mouth and throat which forms the early warning signals. Early detection of disease may avoid even major surgeries. A simple laser excision could even leave no mark of surgery and obviate further therapies including radiation or chemotherapy. However cessation of tobacco habituation is a pre requisite to avoid recurrences.


Breast cancer unlike other cancers in the females, is showing increasing incidence in South Africa. The situation is alarming in several metros due to westernisation of life style, food habits including energy dense foods, milk and milk products, indulgence in alcohol, smoking and lack of exercise. Estrogen is considered as the single potent agent which can act as carcinogen. Combined with genetic predisposition the situation is worst. Several studies in South Africa has shown increasing incidence of the disease in women younger age group (less than 35). This is definitely an important issue which points to several issues in the disease management. When struck with the disease at the pinnacle of their youth, the women in urban India has to face several other issues, right from loss of womanhood, feminity to psychosocial traumas, which in a modern nuclear family poses multiple problems.


Cancer of oesophagus is on the rise. It has predilection for men who are habituated to tobacco, especially smokeless. Women are no exception. Oesophagus cancer is one of the best examples of cure if detected early and lethal if diagnosed late. In early cancers (mucosal types) a non invasive Endoscopic surgery also is possible called EMR (Endoscopic Mucosal Resection). We have pioneered novel treatment for down staging of cancers of the Gastro oesophageal cancers and give better cure rates than upfront surgery.


Our fourth generation Operation theatres are at par with the bests in the world.


There are more than 120 ICU beds for various surgical and medical specialties.


The fast pace of modern life leaves little time to keep a check on health.

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